Next phase of works at A890 Stromeferry to start in September

pixLast week officers from The Highland Council met with Community representatives at Achmore to discuss traffic management arrangements for the next phase of works to stabilise the rock face on the A890 at Stromeferry. This followed on from a public drop-in information session held in Lochcarron in April and earlier discussions that have taken place with the community councils affected.

This phase of works, which are due to start on the 9th September and last 8 weeks, forms part of the Councils on-going maintenance programme for the rock slope and involves replacing sections of the existing rock protection in areas identified during survey work carried out last year.  

Unlike the works carried out last year, only night time closures of the route will be required as during the day traffic management on the existing road will be in place. However there will be one weekend closure from Friday night until Monday morning, over the weekend of the 13th /16th September. 

The nightly closures, from 10pm to 7am, will start on the 9th September and continue until the 8th of November. From 7am to 10pm there will be no weight restrictions on the current road, making the A890 route suitable for all vehicles travelling during the day.  

Details of the traffic management arrangements during these works are now available on The Highland Council’s website -


8 Jul 2019