Fort William town centre masterplan appoints urban regeneration specialists
The Highland Council has appointed Threesixty Architecture to assist in the preparation of the town centre masterplan for Fort William.
The development of the Masterplan is a collaborative effort between The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Lochaber Chamber of Commerce. The addition of Threesixty Architecture to the team will provide invaluable expertise and experience in driving a placemaking-led vision for Fort William town centre that is underpinned with a solid commercial understanding.
Economy and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Cllr Ken Gowans said: “We are delighted to be progressing the Fort William masterplan a step further by appointing urban regeneration specialists - Threesixty Architecture to the project to assist in developing the transformative change to Fort William town centre.
“Threesixty Architecture’s national guidance for urban centre regeneration: ‘A Vision for High Street Regeneration’, developed in partnership with the Scottish Government and Scotland’s Towns Partnership, sets out a step by step methodology and an agenda for a whole town centre vision and development framework. This meticulous eighteen step process will aim to rebalance, repopulate and reposition Fort William High Street.
“The project team has explored the company’s expansive portfolio across other Scottish town centres and are excited to work with the community to develop the masterplan and progress the Fort William 2040 vision a step further.”
Architect/Director with Threesixty Architecture, Rory Kellett said: “We are delighted to be working with The Highland Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Lochaber Chamber of Commerce on this exciting regeneration project that will build on all of the constructive work that has already taken place to positively impact Fort William town centre and the local community.”
For further detail on the manifesto for change - 18 Steps to Rebalance, Repopulate & Reposition the High Street visit the Threesixty website. (External link)
Fort William 2040 (FW2040) delivery programme and current projects can be found here