“What’s Happening Across Our City” - Inverness Strategy Interactive Storymap Launches

Graphic with logo

An interactive online “StoryMap” has been launched to bring forward a partnership approach to promoting the City of Inverness as the hub of economic, social and cultural activity in Highland.

The site, which features extensive visuals, is part of the Inverness Strategy workstream and draws together recent projects and initiatives into a single, coordinated framework.  This overview of 'what's happening' and 'in the pipeline' makes clear what projects are intended to be delivered, when this looks likely to happen, and who is responsible.

City Leader, Councillor Ian Brown said: “The Inverness Strategy is about collating recent and anticipated projects across the City and area to build on one another to bring about a much bigger, collective vision.

“The site is a great resource to capture what’s happening across our city with details of projects planned, underway or completed in an easy-to-use format that reflects the partnership approach across the public, private and community sectors.”

Chair of the Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Ken Gowans said: “The city of Inverness is at an exciting stage in its evolving role as the main economic, service and administrative centre for Highland and a transport hub for the wider Highland and Islands region.

“By bringing together what's happening across the City, the site clearly lays out the collective vision all partners have. This collective approach will improve the coordination, funding and delivery of existing and emerging plans, projects and workstream to ensure Inverness remains Highland's prime destination for those who live, work, visit and invest here.”

The StoryMap includes sections on;

  • Culture and night-time economy
  • Key sectors for future
  • Community action and leadership
  • Green Freeport
  • City centre
  • Transport
  • Housing

A public face-to-face event to showcase projects highlighted as part of the Inverness Strategy and featured on the StoryMap website will be held at Inverness Town House on 26 November from 2pm - 7pm.

Key sources for the development of Inverness Strategy include:

  • Inverness City Centre Vision (360 Architecture): Post-Covid review of how the city centre can continue to be a vibrant, healthy and attractive place to work, live and do business.
  • Inverness 2035: One City, One Vision (Inverness Futures Group).
  • National Planning Framework 4: qualities of successful places.
  • Highland Local Development Plans and associated supplementary guidance: including the Indicative Regional Spatial Strategy (IRSS), emerging Local Development Plan, city-specific development briefs.
  • Draft Inverness Community Partnership Plan.


7 Oct 2024