Housing land information

Housing land information

This audit provides information on the available housing land supply to meet aspirations for the delivery of new homes up to 2038 using a base date of 1 June 2023. The audit allows us:

  • To monitor the availability of effective sites
  • To identify progress of sites through the planning process
  • To provide analysis on house completions

For each site, information on permissions and completions has been collected and brought together with likely build rate of development on each site.

Contributions for the audit were requested and received from developers via Homes for Scotland, housing associations/trusts and landowners. These comments were considered along with council officers views and the resultant likely programming for each site is contained in the Housing Land Audit 2023.

Detail on sites and their programming over years 2023/24 to 2037/38 is accessible either through the storymap, interactive map, or from a downloadable summary document.

The detailed site level information that makes up the Housing Land Audit is available from the Highland Council Open Map Data Portal as either a .csv file (tabular data) and in various map data formats (includes site polygons).

The information in this Housing Land Audit 2023 is aligned with the annual School Roll Forecasts and is used to support the relevant Delivery Programmes.

View the Housing Land Audit 2023 StoryMap

View the 2023 interactive map

Download The Housing Land Audit 2023 Summary Document

Download Sites Table

The 2022 Housing Land Audit is still available for reference:

View the Housing Land Audit 2022 StoryMap

View the 2022 interactive map

Housing completions

Regularly updated house completions information is produced in a variety of forms

Map and analytics of houses built

The traditional downloadable spreadsheet reporting monthly completions is also available

Housing Need and Demand Assessment (HNDA) 2020

The Highland Council HNDA received a "Robust and Credible" assessment from the Centre for Housing Market Analysis on 8th February 2022. This is available for download from the links below.

The HNDA estimates the future number of additional housing units to meet existing and future housing need and demand. It also captures information on the operation of the housing system to assist local authorities to develop policies on new housing supply, management of existing stock and the provision of housing-related services.

Its purpose is to provide a robust, shared and agreed evidence-base for housing policy and land use planning and to ensure that both LHSs and Development Plans are based upon a common understanding of existing and future housing requirements.

The Highland Housing Market Partnership (HMP), who oversee the development and production of this document, have signed off the second submission of the Highland Council Area HNDA. This was provided to the Scottish Government Centre for Housing Market Analysis (CHMA) in November 2021. We are currently awaiting the result of this assessment.

This latest HNDA is informing the preparation of the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan which is under review.

The documents that make up the HNDA are the report itself and accompanying supporting papers and can be downloaded below: