Short term let contacts


Planning enquiries

For further information visit our Check if you need or have planning permission page.

Informal direct contact with one of our planning officers will not provide you with the information you need and you will be directed back to these routes.

Building standards enquiries

To discuss an existing building standards application currently under consideration or to arrange an appointment to view case documents:

Report a breach of planning control

We try to resolve breaches through negotiation. If a breach is serious or must be brought under control and cannot be resolved informally, we will take formal action. For more information, see about planning enforcement.

Planning enforcement has no control over:

  • Disputes over boundaries or the ownership or control of land
  • Technical building issues relating to Building Standards or a Building Warrant 
  • Management of a building site or the behaviour of builders or contractors  
  • Parking disputes about contractor vehicles


Reporting a breach of licence conditions (short term let property)

We cannot consider complaints in relation to the quality of a guests stay, or specific contractual matters between the guest and the host/operator. This is outside the scope of the licensing scheme.

Reporting an unlicensed operator (short term let property)

This is a Police matter and should be reported using one of the methods below:

Licence application enquiries