Agendas, reports and minutes

Education, Children and Adult Services Committee

Date: Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Agenda: Read the Agenda

A meeting of the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee will take place in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Wednesday 20 January 2016 at 10.05 am.

Webcast Notice: This meeting will be filmed and broadcast over the Internet on the Highland Council website and will be archived and available for viewing for 12 months thereafter.

You are invited to attend the meeting and a note of the business to be considered is attached.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Morris
Depute Chief Executive/
Director of Corporate Development


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest
    Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt

Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.

3. Outstanding Achievements
    Coileanaidhean Air Leth

Members will be informed about outstanding achievements by people and groups, to be noted and commended by the Committee.

4. Presentation: Cadet Presentation Team
    Taisbeanadh: Sgioba Òrdachaidh Caideat

Members of the Cadet Presentation Team will undertake a presentation on the Service Cadets (Sea Cadet Corps, Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps), which are Ministry of Defence (MOD) sponsored youth development organisations that provide a structured programme for youngsters typically aged 12 to 18.  There is no commitment or expectation that cadets will choose to join the Armed Forces.  The “cadet experience”, which maps to and compliments Curriculum for Excellence, comprises four key strands and includes the opportunity to gain educational and vocational qualifications.  Governance and quality assurance are provided through the MOD and delivery is by adult volunteers against a charter that emphasises the development of citizenship and life skills.

5. Revenue Budget – Monitoring 2015/16
    Buidseat Teachd-a-steach – Sgrùdadh 2015/16

There is circulated Report No ECAS/01/16 dated 29 December 2015 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update in relation to the revenue budget for Care and Learning and the monitoring position for the current year to 30 November 2015.  The report also provides an update in relation to delivery of agreed budget savings and the Looked After Children budget.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i. the forecast outturn based upon the year to 30 November 2015;
ii. the status of the agreed budget savings and mitigating action being taken to address the forecast shortfall; and
iii. the pressures in relation to inspection, repair and maintenance budgets and the review work underway in relation to existing arrangements and budgets.

6. Capital Expenditure - Monitoring 2015/16
    Caiteachas Calpa – Sgrùdadh 2015/16

There is circulated Report No ECAS/02/16 dated 12 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update on the Care and Learning capital programme and sets out the monitoring position for the current financial year to the end of November 2015.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. approve the capital monitoring position to the end of November 2015 as set out in Appendix 1 and Section 1 of the report;
ii. note the current status of major projects as set out in Appendix 2 and Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of the report;
iii. agree that £200,000 of the approved funding in 2018/19 for the second phase of the refurbishment of Inverness Leisure be brought forward to 2016/17 to allow structural remedial works to be undertaken as described in Paragraph 2.3 of the report;
iv. approve the revised budget of £10.800m for Portree Gaelic Primary School with the additional £1.515m allocated from the Life Cycle Investment budget heading as outlined in Paragraph 2.4 of the report;
v. note the current position of the other projects referred to in Section 3 of the report; and
vi. note the current position of the various School Statutory Consultations listed in Section 4 of the report.

7. Dalwhinnie Primary School - Proposal to Proceed to Statutory Consultation for Formal Closure
    Bun-sgoil Dhail Chuinnidh – Moladh Gluasad gu Co-chomhairle Reachdail airson Dùnadh Foirmeil

There is circulated Report No ECAS/03/16 dated 7 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which explains that Dalwhinnie Primary School is currently mothballed and has been since the end of session 2011/12.  The report seeks agreement to proceed to a statutory consultation, under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, for formal closure of the school.

The appendices to the report are circulated separately as Booklet A.

The Committee is invited to consider the report and the proposal contained in Booklet A and agree to proceed to statutory consultation, per the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, regarding the proposal for formal closure of Dalwhinnie Primary School and the re-assignment of its catchment area to that of Newtonmore Primary School.

8. Management of Schools Update
    Cunntas às Ùr air Stiùireadh Sgoiltean

There is circulated Report No ECAS/04/16 dated 11 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update on progress on the management of schools programme.

The Committee is invited to note progress on the management of schools programme.

9. Children’s Services – Performance Report
    Seirbheisean Chloinne – Aithisg Coileanaidh

There is circulated Report No ECAS/05/16 dated 7 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update on the performance framework for Children’s Services.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on this performance information.

10. Children’s Services – Assurance Report
      Seirbheisean Chloinne – Aithisg Barantais

There is circulated Report No ECAS/06/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning, the purpose of which is to provide assurance to NHS Highland in relation to services commissioned and delivered through Highland Council.  The content of each assurance report is informed by discussion at the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership and with the Child Health Commissioner.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i. and comment on the issues raised in the report; and
ii. that the format of the report remains under review. 

11. Developmental Overviews
      Lèirmheasan Leasachaidh

There is circulated Report No ECAS/07/16 dated 11 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which explains that, over the past three school sessions, Developmental Overviews have provided a format for the early identification of need within pre-school settings in Highland.  These overviews were created as a means of identifying when three and four years olds were having difficulty reaching the age-related levels expected on a developmental continuum across a number of domains.  The report provides a summary of the use of the overviews and information about the initial findings.

The Committee is invited to:-

i. note the extensive work undertaken to date in creating the Developmental Overviews and the supporting advice and information on appropriate interventions on the associated website;
ii. note the current profile of the children in Highland as they enter Primary 1 and the strategic developments directing improvement activity as a result of this information; and
iii. agree to support the developmental approach being taken in Highland from pre-birth through to formal education, which is individualised to meet the needs of children.  This is predicated on a sound evidence base but is unique to Highland and not an approach being taken nationally.

12. Standards and Quality Report
      Aithisg Inbhean agus Càileachd

There is circulated Report No ECAS/08/16 dated 12 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides a summary overview of Standards and Quality in Highland Primary and Secondary Schools and identifies areas for improvement across the service.

The Committee is invited to note and comment on the contents of the Standards and Quality Summary Report 2014-2015.

13. “Face up to Child Poverty” Report
      Aithisg “Dèilig le Bochdainn Chloinne”

There is circulated Report No ECAS/09/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which introduces a report published by the Educational Institute of Scotland, with advice to its members in schools and colleges, on how to ‘poverty-proof’ learning and teaching in the classroom.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the issues raised in this report.

14. UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative
      Iomairt Bàidheil ri Leanabain aig UNICEF

There is circulated Report No ECAS/10/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update in relation to the positive outcome of the re-accreditation process for the UNICEF baby friendly initiative in Highland and highlights excellent joint working by NHS and Council staff. 

The Committee is invited to note the contents of the report and welcome the ongoing UNICEF/WHO Baby Friendly Initiative Award.

15. Self Directed Support for Children and Young People
      Taic Fèin-stiùiridh do Chloinn is Dhaoine Òga

There is circulated Report No ECAS/11/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which sets out a summary of proposed changes in order to support the implementation of improved choice and access to Self-Directed Support for children and young people with a disability or complex health needs.

The Committee is invited to agree that:-

i. a tendering exercise be carried out for a brokerage service;
ii. residential respite be reconfigured;
iii. the Resource Allocation System be reconfigured;
iv. the true cost of services be introduced when calculating Support Plans; and
v. the timescale for implementation be three years.

16. Kinship Care: Update on Policy
      Cùram Càirdeis: Cunntas às ùr air Poileasaidh

There is circulated Report No ECAS/12/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which is a further update to the report provided to the Committee in August 2015 on the policy on Kinship Care and the allocation and distribution of funding.  This is following national changes as a result of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - Part 13.  The Scottish Government has not yet issued guidance in respect of Part 13 but a letter to Chief Executives provides information in relation to intended changes. 

The Committee is invited to note the updated information in relation to kinship care and agree:-

i. that carers of eligible children in the current financial year will have their payments backdated to 1 October 2015;
ii. that payments for children who are looked after will continue for as long as the child is looked after;
iii. that children who are subject to a Kinship Care Order as outlined in section 2.7 of the report will continue to receive an allowance until the child is 16 years old or until their 18th birthday if they remain in full time education; and
iv. support for carers of looked after children to pursue a residence order, if appropriate, up to a maximum of £1,500 for uncontested cases and £3,000 for contested cases.

17. Education (Scotland) Bill
      Bile an Fhoghlaim (Alba)

There is circulated Report No ECAS/13/16 dated 11 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update on progress on the various elements of the Education (Scotland) Bill, currently going through the Scottish Parliament. 

The Committee is invited to note this report.

18. Parental Engagement Strategy
      Ro-innleachd Rèiteachaidh Pharant

There is circulated Report No ECAS/14/16 dated 11 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which sets out the revised strategic approach in providing a supportive framework in which parents can engage meaningfully in the education of children and young people and in the ethos and life of Highland Council schools.

The Committee is invited to note and support the development of the revised strategic approach.

19. Highland Lifestyle Survey 2015
      Suirbhidh Dòigh-beatha air Ghàidhealtachd

There is circulated Report No ECAS/15/16 dated 8 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which explains that the Highland Lifestyle Survey was carried out with P7, S2 and S4 pupils in 2009, 2011, 2013.  The questions were revised for the 2015 Survey and access to it was extended to cover a six week period.  The report summarises the key findings of the 2015 Survey and, where possible, longitudinal comparison across all four surveys and the Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey has been included.

The Committee is invited to consider and comment on the findings of the 2015 Highland Lifestyle Survey.

20. Community Justice Governance
      Riaghladh Ceartas Coimhearsnachd

There is circulated separately Report No ECAS/16/16 dated 13 January 2016 by the Director of Care and Learning which provides an update on progress in relation to the redesign of Community Justice in Scotland, transition arrangements and plans for future governance of Community Justice in Highland.

The Committee is invited to agree to the arrangements outlined in the report for the formation of the Community Justice Partnership, including that six members be identified using a skills set scoring matrix.

21. Complaints Review Committee Outcome
      Toraidhean Comataidh Ath-sgrùdaidh nan Gearanan

There is circulated joint Report No ECAS/17/16 dated 7 January 2016 by the Depute Chief Executive and the Director of Care and Learning which sets out the findings and recommendations following a Complaints Review Committee held on 28 October 2015.  The report also provides an overview of the complaints process and highlights the requirement for decisions of the Complaints Review Committee to be reported to the Education, Children and Adult Services Committee.

The Committee is invited to note:-

i. that the Complaints Review Committee met to consider the case, and the findings; and
ii. the recommendations made by the Complaints Review Committee.

22. Membership of Sub-Committees
      Ballrachd Fho-chomataidhean

The Committee is invited to agree the following:-

• Adult Services Development and Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Mr S Fuller to replace Mr B Gormley
Mr D Fallows to replace Ms J Slater as Substitute

• Criminal Justice Sub-Committee

Ms K to replace Dr D Alston
Mr D Fallows to replace Ms J Slater

• Culture and Leisure Contracts Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Ms K Stephen to replace Dr D Alston
Mr S Fuller to replace Mr B Gormley
Mr D Fallows to replace Ms J Slater
Mr I Cockburn to replace Mr S Fuller as Substitute

23. Minutes

The following Minutes are circulated for noting or approval as appropriate:-

i. Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Strategy Group – 25 August 2015;
ii. Highland Child Protection Committee – 8 September 2015;
iii. Annual General Meeting of the Local Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff – 6 November 2015;
iv. Ordinary Meeting of the Local Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff – 6 November 2015;
v. Adult Services Development and Scrutiny Sub-Committee – 27 November 2014;
vi. Criminal Justice Sub-Committee – 2 December 2014; and
vii. FHC4 Leadership Group – 16 December 2015.