Road construction consent

Road Construction Consent (RCC) as well as planning permission is needed from the local roads authority for a new road or an extension of an existing road.  

It is an offence under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 to build a new road without valid consent.

Roads Function Charges

Design standards

Roads constructed must meet design standards and procedures:

Please discuss your proposals and requirements with us at an early stage, using the Planning Pre-application Advice Service

We are currently piloting an option for applicants using the Major Planning Pre-applications Advice Service or any other large housing developments to have an addtional, optional Street Engineering Review.  This will give applicants early and detailed feedback to make sure key requirements are considered at an early stage when they are applying for planning permission. Please contact us  if you would like to take part in this.

Applying for road construction consent

Please submit your RCC application at least 3 months before you plan to start construction. You should not make an application until the detailed layout has been agreed by us.

Before you apply, read our Roads and Transport Guidelines for New Developments and include all of the information listed on the RCC Submission Checklist.

  1. Complete the Application form and then post in paper along with one paper copy of the drawings to our eProcessing Centre
  2. Once you have received your application reference number (e.g. 17/00001/RCC) by email, please log on to the Portal to submit an electronic copy of the drawings and all other required documents, using the Post Submission Additional Documents form. Email submission of forms, drawings or any other documents will not be accepted

You should not start to notify affected parties using CC3 - Notice of Service Form until your application is valid and the drawings are available for them to view on our Public Access Site.

Complete list of forms for all steps

Other consents

You must have planning permission for any development which includes roads.

Before starting any access works within the public road boundary, you must have separate written permission from us. Check what permission you need for working on public roads.  This includeds installing or connecting to any utility apparatus within the public road boundary.


Reaching final completion does not mean we will automatically adopt the road or roads. Developers are still responsible for maintenance of a road or footpath until they receive confirmation from us.

Once substantial completion has been reached, developers will receive Adoption forms CC6, CC13 and CC21 along with the Substantial Completion Certificate. These forms should be completed and returned to us.

The form to apply for adoption should be accompanied by 1 electronic copy (CAD format) and 1 paper copy of the 'as built' drawings and can be sent:

  • In paper by posting to Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX
  • Electronically using the Portal by using the post submission additional documents online form