Road construction consent

Road construction consent forms

Application forms listed in order of use

Initial submission

  • CC9 - Application checklist - This document should be completed and submitted electronically along with CC2 Part A - Docquets of Service and copies of all the drawings and supporting information using the PSAD online form on Portal.  Part 1 of this form is what the eProcessing Centre will use to check if your application can be validated and passed to the Transport Planning team for assessment. Part 2 of this form should also be completed to assist the Case Officer with the technical review of the application
  • CC1 – Application form – this form should be submitted in paper to our eProcessing accompanied by 1 paper copy of the drawings.  An email acknowledgement letter containing an application reference number will be sent to the agent or developer. This reference number should be quoted when uploading the initial drawings plus any other documents electronically using the PSAD form on the Portal
  • CC2 Part A - Docquets of Service  - This form should be completed and submitted electronically using the PSAD online form on the portal.  The CC3 notice below should only be served after the RCC application has been made valid. The CC2 Part B - Docquets of Service Form including the Date CC3 Notice Served details, should be submitted on the portal once the notices have been served
  • CC8 - Carriageway Design Certificate - This should be submitted using the PSAD form on the Portal along with the CC9 and CC2 to provide details of the design which will be used for construction
  • Document Transmittal Sheet - A Document Transmittal sheet must be provided when submitting drawings at every stage during the RCC application and review process. This must include details the most recent version of all the drawings, including those that may have been created by a third party.

Once submission is valid

  • CC3 - Notice of Service - This form should be completed by the developer and issued to the persons listed on the completed CC2 Docquets of Service form by the developer or agent after your RCC submission has been made valid and the drawings are available to view on our Public Access Site
  • CC2 Part B - Docquets of Service  - This form, including the Date CC3 Notice Served details, should be submitted via the PSAD online form on portal once the notices have been served.
  • Document Transmittal Sheet - A Document Transmittal sheet must be provided when submitting drawings at every stage during the RCC application and review process, including revised drawings. This must include details the most recent version of all the drawings, including those that may have been created by a 3rd party. The Agent can use their own version as long as it contains details of all of the drawings.

Approval forms issued by us as the roads authority

These forms are listed for your information only:

  • CC4 - Road Construction Consent - This is the Road Construction Consent that the Roads Authority will issue to the Developer. This will contain the conditions of development, and will be sent to the Developer as part of an issue package.
  • CC5 - Road Bond Determination Sheet - This will be completed by the Roads Authority and be issued as part of the Road Construction Consent issue package. This sheet will detail the calculations made by the Roads Authority to determine the Road Bond value.
  • CC11 - Road Construction Compliance Notification Plan - A version of the form will be issued by The Highland Council as part of the Road Construction Consent issue package. This form details the key points throughout construction, at which Area Roads Offices would like to be notified prior to completion.  On receipt of this form as part of the wider RCC Approval Package, please make contact with the relevant Area Roads Office to agree a date for the pre-commencement meeting, where this form will be dicussed and notification requirements agreed.  Developers should make contact with the Roads Authrority at least 4 weeks prior to the proposed date for this meeting.

Following consent issue and before housebuilding 

  • CC7 - Style Road Bond - This is The Highland Council's advised format for Road Bonds in the form of a financial guarantee.  The original document should be submitted to our eProcessing Centre, Headquarters. The Road Bond will be treated by the Council as draft and reviewed by The Highland Council's Legal and Financial teams.  It is therefore recommended that this Style Road Bond is used to speed up this process
  • CC10 - Lodging a Cash Bond Notification Form - This form must be completed immediately after transferring a Cash Road Bond to the Highland Council's bank account. The bank account details for which a Cash Road Bond must be submitted to are detailed on this form

Construction phase 

  • CC12 - Notice of Start of Work - This form should be used to notify us at least 2 weeks before the start of any construction work. It should be completed by the developer or contractor and submitted using the Post Submission Additional Documents form on the portal
  • CC14 - Notice of Work Stage Completion (Part A) -  This form is used to notify us that certain works are nearly completed. This form may need to be submitted many times and should be submitted at least 48 hours ahead of full completion of the works. We will use the details on this form to determine when Stage Completion Certificates can be issued and when Road Bonds can be reduced
  • CC17 - Partial Completion Certificate  - Once satisfied that construction requirements have been met, we will issue a certificate confirming that Partial Completion has been reached 
  • CC18 - Substantial Completion Certificate - Once satisfied that construction requirements have been met, we will issue a certificate confirming that Substantial Completion has been reached.  The relevant adoption forms will also be issued along with this certificate, which the developer should return to us to confirm if they would like the road andany associated footpaths to be adopted by us
  • CC19 - Final Completion Certificate - Once the maintenance period has ended and we are satisfied that construction requirements have been met, a Final Completion Certificate will be issued confirming that this has been achieved
  • CC20 - Application for Winter Maintenance on a Prospective Adopted Road - This form should be used where a Developer wants us to start winter maintenance operations on a road serving occupied properties before its formal adoption. This will only be considered for roads which are in the 12 month maintenance period after Full Completion has been granted. Completed form should be submitted using the Post Submission Additional Documents form on the online portal

Variations or extensions of time to consent

  • CC15 - Application for Variation to Road Construction Consent - This form should be completed and submitted by the developer or agent to request an amendment to an existing Road Construction Consent. Please use the online portal to submit this form. The case officer will then decide whether the amendment is suitable or if a new consent application would be needed
  • Document Transmittal Sheet - A Document Transmittal sheet must be provided when submitting drawings at every stage during the RCC application and review process, including the details of the drawings included in an Application for Variation. This must include details the most recent version of all the drawings, including those that may have been created by a 3rd party.
  • CC16 - Application for Extension of time to Road Construction Consent - This form should be completed and submitted by the developer or agent to request an extension of time to an approved Road Construction Consent. This form should be submitted on the online portal. The case officer will then decide whether extension is suitable or not


  • CC6 - Adoption Application - This form should be completed by the developer at Substantial Completion, on receipt of the Substantial Completion Certificate to request future adoption of the road after Final Completion has been reached
  • Health and Safety File Template - An optional template that can be completed by the developer and submitted with the CC6 - Adoption Application Form, although the developer may wish to submit their version of the Health and Safety File for the RCC.
  • CC13 - Footpath Agreement - This form should be completed by the developer at Substantial Completion, to indicate that they wish for any remote footpaths associated with the development to be adopted in future, when Final Completion has been achieved.  An electronic copy of this form will be sent out at Substantial Completion along with the Substantial Completion Certificate
  • CC21 - Application for Adoption of Passing Place to the list of Adopted Roads - This form should be used to ask us to adopt a passing place and for it to be added to the list of adopted roads. It should be completed by the developer and submitted using the Post Submission Additional Documents form on the online portal