Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan

History of the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan 1

Call for sites

Between January and April 2011 we ran a 'call for sites'. This was a call to communities, landowners, developers and agents to suggest sites for protection or development. The consultation closed on Friday 29 April 2011.

The responses to the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan 'call for sites' consultation have been split into three areas:

All of the representatives are in the call for sites representations index.

Main issues report

The main issues report, which is the first formal stage in the local development plan process, was published for consultation on the 5 April 2012. The main issues report set out a number of initial options for where development should and should not occur and the key issues affecting particular settlements. It included sites submitted for consideration by communities, landowners and developers during the Council’s “call for sites”.

Main issues report 

A number of corrections and inconsistencies within the plan are noted below:

Main issues report amendments

Main issues report consultation

The consultation period for the main issues report ran between April and June 2012. Nearly 1,000 individual submissions were received during the consultation stage. Summaries of the submissions can be viewed on the links below:

Alternative sites and land use consultation

In response to the consultation of the main issues report, we received comments from nearly 1000 individuals, groups and organisations. Some people suggested new site(s) that had not previously been consulted on and so the Council undertook an online consultation on these sites. This consultation closed in June 2013. The alternative sites and uses consultation is available to view using the link below:

Comments received during the consultation on the alternative sites and uses consultation can be viewed on the links below:

Consideration of and response to the main issues report and alternative sites and land use consultation

A summary of the comments received during the main issues report and alternative sites and uses consultations, along with the Council's response to these comments, is available below:

Proposed plan consultation

On 1 November 2013, after considering and responding to the comments made to the main issues report and alternative sites and land use consultation, we published the Inner Moray Firth Proposed Local Development Plan. This plan, which is also known as the Proposed Plan, sets out the Council's proposed policies and site allocations to guide development in the Inner Moray Firth area over the next 20 years.

Proposed Plan

A number of corrections and inconsistencies within the plan are noted below

Proposed Plan amendments

Following submission of our proposed plan to Scottish Ministers in June 2014, independent reporters concluded their examination of the plan.

Examination Report

Recommendations by Issue

Full details including documents associated with the examination can be viewed on the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals website.