Historic Environment Fees and Charges

Archaeology - Planning

Fee charging from 1 April 2024


 Specifications for archaeological works required to discharge a planning condition are not routinely provided. If, however, a developer or contractor would prefer to receive a specification the following rates will apply:

Development type



£149 + VAT

Local-scale development (1-49 houses or equivalent)

£299 + VAT

Major, National or EIA development Electricity Act Developments (S36 and S37)

£450 + VAT

Validation of Written Scheme of Investigation

No charge will normally be applied for the validation of a developer's Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) where the WSI has been submitted no later than 10 calendar days prior to commencement of site works. This ensures there is sufficient time for the WSI to be properly considered and the mitigation proposed confirmed as being appropriate.

To avoid delays WSIs should be submitted direct to archaeology@highland.gov.uk wherever possible rather than being uploaded to the ePlanning file.

A charge will be applied where a WSI is submitted for approval less than 10 calendar days prior to commencement of site works.

Development type



£299 + VAT

Local-scale development (1-49 houses or equivalent)

£450 + VAT

Major, National or EIA development Electricity Act Developments (S36 and S37)

£747 + VAT

Where a WSI approval is urgently required but the development is not due to start in 10 calendar days a priority servcie is available.

Development type



£299 + VAT

Local-scale development (1-49 houses or equivalent)

£450 + VAT

Major, National or EIA development Electricity Act Developments (S36 and S37)

£747 + VAT

Public Benefit

Where archaeology and the historic environment are factors in a development, NPF4 policy 7o requires developers to provide public benefit. In some cases, the Planning Authority may look to secure this by planning condition or through a legal agreement. Developers can deliver public benefit in different ways (see ALGAO Scotland guidance).

If the developer is unable to demonstrate public benefit on a particular development site or can justify why the options outlined in the ALGAO Scotland guidance are not viable, the developer may be able to discharge this responsibility by paying a financial contribution to the Council. The Council will use the financial contribution to deliver public benefit, for example through Highland Archaeology Festival, Doors Open Day or providing financial assistance to third-party heritage events, such as Highland Heritage Day.

Development type


Householder; 0.5ha or less

£53.20 + VAT

0.5ha - 10ha

£299 + VAT

10ha and above

 £598 + VAT