Highland profile - key facts and figures
Births and deaths
The latest information on births and deaths in Highland are available on the National Records for Scotland website.
View Birth and Death Statistics
Selected statistics include:
- In 2021, there were 1885 births in the Highland Council area (49.3% female, 50.7% male)
- This compares with 2131 births in 2001
- Between 2001 and 2021:
- The 0 to 19 age group has seen the largest percentage decrease in births (-70.7%)
- The 40 and over age group has seen the largest percentage increase in births (+39.4%).
- In 2018, the most common age group of mothers was 30 to 34, a change from the 25 to 29 age group in 1998
- In 2021 there were 2831 deaths in the Highland Council area (48.1% female, 51.9% male)
- This compares with 2413 deaths in 2001