Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Council

Date: Thursday, 27 June 2019

Agenda: Read Agenda (Supplementary 1 )

In relation to the agenda and papers circulated for the above Meeting of the Highland Council, please find attached the undernoted which it was indicated would follow:-


Performance against the Highland Local Policing Plan
Aithisg Choileanaidh Bhiliadhnail a’ Phoileis

There is circulated Supplementary Paper from the Chief Superintendent for the Highlands & Islands.   


Capital Programme Refresh 
Ùrachadh a’ Phrògraim Chalpa 

(a) Corporate Capital Programme and the Current Financial Context 
Co-theacsa Ionmhasail

There is circulated Report No. HC/24/19 dated 12 June 2019 by the Head of Corporate Finance and Commercialism. 

The Council is asked to:-

i. note the challenges around the funding of capital investment; and

ii.approve the proposed timescale for refresh of the Capital Programme.

(b) Care & Learning Capital – Early Learning & Childcare Programme and School Estate Improvement Programme
Prògram Calpa Sgoiltean

There is circulated Joint Report No. HC/25/19 dated 21 June 2019 by the Director of Development & Infrastructure and the Head of Resources, Care & Learning

The Council is asked to:-

(i)  agree the distribution of capital funding for the projects required for the delivery of the ELC expansion programme and other essential school building improvements, all in line with the approach outlined in this report and as listed in Appendix 1;

(ii) homologate the decision to award the contract at Ullapool Primary School as detailed in Paragraph 5.15;

(iii)agree to allocate the funding to the projects at Beauly, Dunvegan and Kiltearn Primary Schools as detailed in Paragraphs 6.3 to 6.5 and 6.8 and Appendix 1; and

(iv) note that a report will be taken to a future meeting of the Care, Learning & Housing Committee to conclude the Statutory Consultation for the Tain 3-18 Campus as detailed in Paragraph 6.9.
Yours faithfully

Stewart Fraser
Head of Corporate Governance