Inverness Strategy

Inverness City Centre Masterplan

The City Centre Masterplan is an up to date spatial vision for the built environment of the City Centre and how this may be delivered by projects on the ground - whether recently delivered, on site, in the pipeline or future possible aspirations. 

The Masterplan is intended to help bring forward views on how we best realise the City Centre we need for the future. It presents a review of opportunities for future investment and regeneration. Its goal is to optimise the City Centre by increasing footfall and improving the lived experience for those who reside, work in and visit the City.

Originally prepared to identify actions to support recovery from Covid-19, an updated Masterplan is currently being finalised and will identify current and potential future developments as a foundation to ensure the city to continues to be a vibrant, healthy and attractive place for people to live, work, visit and do business.

The Masterplan will provide a cornerstone of the wider Inverness Strategy and six priority outcomes are currently beign considered in draft:

  • Prime Destination - recognising and promoting Inverness City Centre as Highland’s prime destination for people and businesses to invest their time and money
  • Living City - welcoming mixed-use neighbourhoods that provide quality homes and accommodation for provides welcoming mixed-use neighbourhoods that provide quality homes for young people, families and older people
  • Green and Healthy City - an attractive, healthy built and natural environment where people can meet, live and socialise in safe, accessible public spaces
  • Zero Carbon City - a city undertaking a transition to becoming a zero carbon region, fair to all, which supports a green circular economy now and for future generations
  • Accessible and Connected City - a welcoming city that is well connected to Scotland, the UK and the world, that is easy to walk and wheel around, where public transport is accessible, and motor vehicles do not dominate
  • Digital City Centre - a forward-looking city, making best use of technology to improve the life of residents and visitors

Latest updates: November 2023

A review of the draft City Centre Master Plan is currently being undertaken. Updates on progress will follow in due course, including discussion with partners across the public, private and community sectors on the draft content of the Masterplan and how it can be of most use to communities, businesses and organisations across the City.