Short term lets licensing

Before you apply - mandatory licence conditions

Mandatory licence conditions


1. Only those named as a holder of the licence can carry out the day-to-day management of the short-term let property.

Type of licence

2. The holder of the licence may only offer the type of short-term let for which the licence has been granted.

Fire safety

3. The holder of the licence must ensure the property has satisfactory equipment installed for detecting, and for giving warning of:

  • a fire or suspected fire and,
  • the presence of carbon monoxide in a concentration that is hazardous to health

4. The holder of the licence must keep records showing that all upholstered furnishings and mattresses within the parts of the property which are for guest use, or to which the guests are otherwise permitted to have access, comply with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988.

Gas safety

5. Where the property has a gas supply:

  • the holder of the licence must arrange for an annual gas safety inspection of all gas pipes, flues and appliances in the property.
  • if, after an annual inspection, any appliance does not meet the required safety standard, the holder of the licence must not allow a short-term let of the property until the works necessary to bring the appliance to the required safety standard have been carried out.

Electrical safety

6. Where there are electrical fittings or items within the parts of the property which are for guest use, or to which the guests are permitted to have access, the holder of the licence must:

  • ensure that any electrical fittings and items are in:
    • a reasonable state of repair, and
    • proper and safe working order
  • arrange for an electrical safety inspection to be carried out by a competent person at least every 5 years or more frequently if directed by the competent person
  • ensure that, following an electrical safety inspection, the competent person produces an Electrical Installation Condition Report on any fixed installations
  • arrange for a competent person to:
    • produce a Portable Appliance Testing Report on moveable appliances to which a guest has access, and
    • date label and sign all moveable appliances which have been inspected.

7. In determining who is competent, the holder of the licence must have regard to guidance issued by the Scottish Ministers under section 19B(4) of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006).

Water safety - private water supplies

8. Where the property is served by a private water supply, the licence holder must comply with the requirements on the owners of private dwellings set out in the Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.

Water safety - legionella

9. The holder of the licence must assess the risk from exposure to legionella within the property, whether or not the property is served by a private water supply.

Safety and repair standards

10. The holder of the licence must take all reasonable steps to ensure the property is safe for residential use.

10a. Where the property is subject to the requirements of Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, the holder of the licence must ensure that the property meets the repairing standard.

Maximum occupancy

11. The licence holder must ensure that the number of guests residing on the property does not exceed the number specified in the licence.

Information to be displayed

12. The holder of the licence must make the following information available within the premises in a place where it is accessible to all guests:

  • a certified copy of the licence and the licence conditions
  • fire, gas and electrical safety information
  • details of how to summon the assistance of emergency services
  • a copy of the gas safety report
  • a copy of the Electrical Installation Condition Report
  • a copy of the Portable Appliance Testing Report
  • instructions as to what guests should do in the event that the carbon monoxide alarm sounds
  • safety instructions as to the operation and movement of that mobile heater, if there is a mobile gas cabinet heater in the premises

Planning permission

13. Where the property is in a short-term let control area for the purposes of section 26B of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (“the 1997 Act”), the holder of the licence must, where the use of the property for a short-term let requires planning permission under the 1997 Act, ensure that either:

  • an application has been made for planning permission under the 1997 Act and has not yet been determined, or
  • planning permission under the 1997 Act is in force.


14. The holder of the licence must ensure that any listing or advert (whether electronic or otherwise) for the short-term let of the property includes:

  • the licence number, and
  • a valid Energy Performance Certificate rating if an Energy Performance Certificate is required for the property, in accordance with the Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008

14a. The holder of the licence must ensure that any listing or advert (whether electronic or otherwise) for the short-term let of the property is consistent with the terms of the short-term let licence.


15. The holder of the licence must ensure that there is in place for the property:

  • valid buildings insurance for the duration of the licence, and
  • valid public liability insurance for the duration of each short-term let agreement.

Payment of fees

16. The holder of the licence must pay any fees due to the licensing authority in respect of the licence on demand.

False or misleading information

17. The holder of the licence must not provide any false or misleading information to the licensing authority.


18. "Electrical Installation Condition Report" means a report containing the following information:

  • the date on which the inspection was carried out,
  • the address of the property inspected,
  • the name, address and relevant qualifications of the person who carried out the inspection,
  • a description, and the location, of each installation, fixture, fitting and appliance inspected,
  • any defect identified,
  • any action taken to remedy a defect

18a. "Energy Performance Certificate" means a certificate which complies with regulation 6 of the Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008.

18b. "Gas Safety Report" means a report containing the following information:

  • the date on which the appliance or flue was checked,
  • the address of the property at which the appliance or flue is installed,
  • a description of and the location of each appliance or flue checked,
  • any safety defect identified,
  • any remedial action taken,
  • confirmation that the check undertaken complies with the requirements of an examination of:
    • the effectiveness of any flue,
    • the supply of combustion air,
    • subject to below, its operating pressure or heat input or, where necessary, both,
    • if it is not reasonably practicable to examine its operating pressure or heat input (or, where necessary, both), its combustion performance,
    • its operation so as to ensure its safe functioning,
    • the name and signature of the individual carrying out the check, and
  • the registration number with which that individual, or that individual’s employer, is registered with a body approved by the Health and Safety Executive for the purposes of regulation 3(3) of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.