Digital Strategy


Digital refers to the use of technology to modernise and transform the way Council services are delivered and support staff wellbeing.

Transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new, or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and citizen needs. It is achieved through development over time.

Our Digital Strategy must be one that everyone understands and can easily be part of as inclusivity and collaboration are essential to its successful implementation.

This Digital Strategy is founded on the National Digital Strategy for Scotlands approach and recommendations from Audit Scotland on the six key characteristics of a digital council.

In 2022 the Council, in conjunction with the Digital Office for Local Government, conducted its second Digital Maturity Assessment.

The assessment is founded on a recognised approach by Gartner and is designed to evidence the progression of digital within an organisation as well as the actions required to further develop its digital maturity. Scoring is based on 1-5 rating with 1 being low, the Council scored a 3 showing improvement from 2 when the first assessment was carried out in 2017.

This Assessment has played a significant role in shaping our Digital Strategy and the actions required to implement it.

The Digital Ambition Implementation plan set out in 2020 has driven digital solutions to support delivery throughout Education, Planning, Housing, Waste, and the Council now has a new Customer Relationship Management system in place.

"We need to ensure we keep pace with ambition as we transform and progress. We need to ensure we keep backing this up with appropriate resources."

Staff quote - THC Digital Maturity Assessment 2022

This strategy sets out the next phase of digital development for the Council with key areas of focus and realistic goals that can be delivered throughout the organisation.

A joined-up, cross service collaborative approach, recognising that Digital does not sit on the periphery of service plans and service re-design. In order for the Council to maximise the potential that digital offers, lead, think, do digital must be fully integrated within daily operational practice, led by services, supported by a core team and sponsored by our Executive Leadership Team.

Digital, ICT, Data Information Strategies and Business Intelligence Vision

It is important to make a distinction between Digital, ICT, Data Information and Business Intelligence Vision. There are inter-connections across the respective strategies with implementation plans being developed for each. Each strategy links back to, and is in alignment with relevant National themes, characteristics, and guiding principles.