Digital Strategy

Think - People

People: Digital Skills and Workforce Planning

The Digital Transformation Staff Survey conducted late 2021 and the Digital Maturity Assessment, published along with this Strategy, have provided the organisation with broad insight into the stage of Digital Maturity we are currently operating within.

The advancement of Digital, Data and Technology skills should be an integral part of corporate workforce planning and organisational development.

A user-focused approach with engagement and collaboration of internal and external stakeholders has gathered extensive feedback and suggestions from all areas of the Council. By understanding future requirements, the Council can effectively plan for the workforce of the future and continue to improve service delivery ensuring no one is left behind.

As the Council embraces the adoption of new ways of working, there is opportunity to continue the development of the way we work through training, support, and mentoring with a focus on maximising the benefits from investment in our current technology.

For example: Digital Champions can support the adoption and use of underutilised functionality within our Microsoft Platform, creating a community of support with a range of digital skills that are easily accessible and inclusive.

An effective Digital Champion Network can work across all levels of the council and this approach has a proven track record of creating a positive impact with great feedback from staff. Good examples of how this can work effectively can be seen at Dundee City Council, Aberdeen City Council and North Ayrshire Council.

Resource and Support

Digital offers the opportunity for simple solutions to be put in place that solve complex business issues, delivering outcomes that save time and enable Services to free up resources for the people and communities who need it the most. It will be a key enabler in allowing the Council to operate effectively within a challenging operating environment.

To achieve this, we need to resource and support digital.

The information gathered from other local authorities and the Scottish Government evidence that the Council could derive great benefits through the strengthening of an internal Digital team. Designed to drive forward digital maturity and support Council wide innovation. Operating as an enabler, championing the integration of digital solutions that will enable the Council to meet its priorities. Working in collaboration with ICT, HR and frontline Services to support a thriving Digital Culture with Citizens and our people at the heart of the approach.

Findings from Digital Maturity Assessment 2022

Digital technology has become a lifeline, allowing the continued delivery of public services, often to the most vulnerable in society. Its use has also exposed the risk of digital exclusion – not having the skills or resources to access vital public services, maintain learning, and stay connected with others, this includes those that work for our public service organisations.

Digital transformation is 80% about the people and ways of working and 20% about the technology. Maximising on the technology currently available, such as the MS365 platform. Identifying skills gaps of the workforce and understanding the needs for the future workforce.

Equipping staff with Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) skills and specialists to reimagine service delivery will be key to delivering future services to offer the best possible outcomes for residents, the economy and those who work for the Council. We operate in a very tight budget envelope so growing the skills of internal teams and careful workforce planning for the modern workplace will be required to keep pace with the changing digital world.

Recommendation from Digital Maturity Assessment 2022

"Opportunities to implement and grow a Digital Champions network and provide essential skills training will be beneficial, the council is a participant in Connecting Scotland. Analysis of the Digital Skills of the workforce taking a systematic approach to the analysis is crucial to progressing in this area along with embedding digital skills into personal development from the point of recruitment."

"We seem to be Digital First in infrastructure but Digital First in skills needs to be maintained and enhanced."

Staff Quote - Digital Maturity Assessment 2022