Digital Strategy

What is digital?

What is Digital and how does it differ from ICT?

The reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation. It transcends traditional organisational structures. Digital transformation begins and ends with how we think about, and engage with, customers. Digital is as much about a different way of thinking as it is to do with technology.

What is Information and Communication Technology (ICT)?

ICT refers to the day-to-day provision of technology to allow Council services to be delivered.

Although there is no single, universal definition of ICT, the term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, applications and systems that combined allow people and organisations to interact in the digital world.

What is Business Insight, Data, and Information Management?

Good Business Intelligence and insight is essential to the daily operations of any organisation. The data we use comes from a wide range of sources, including the way citizens access services, the number of people that live in a specific area, our assets, our staff and where they work.

Accurate Data allows the council to produce the information it needs to make informed decisions. This insight helps the council to understand service demand and can help to ensure an effective and cost-efficient service is provided. Data can be generated in many formats including structured data from IT systems, databases, and spreadsheets to more unstructured data such as internet cookies, online analytics, and shared content.

Information management is about getting the right information in the right format to the right people at the right time in the right place. Good information management and accurate data helps to produce positive outcomes for our citizens and our people.