Digital Strategy


"Digital Strategies are most effective when leaders champion change and staff are engaged."

Audit Scotland, 2021

An effective and efficient Digital Council communicates a clear digital vision and ambition. It creates an innovative and collaborative culture that drives change.

Digital requires sponsorship from the Chief Executive, and the Executive Leadership Team with support from Elected Members. Digital leadership will need to be developed at all levels within the Council as part of an approach to drive broader adoption of responsibility for it. The approach must be clearly defined, ensuring broad engagement across the organisation with implementation of this strategy being driven by leaders in the teams delivering front-line services with support from ICT, Digital, HR and Change teams.

"Work should be done with Elected Members to understand their role in Digital, Digital Skills Development Plans and the Digital Board suggested use of Member Scrutiny checklist developed by Audit Scotland."

Recommendation from the Digital Maturity Assessment 2022

Insight Driven and Outcome Focused

A Digitally Mature Council understands the potential of people, data, and digital technologies to transform services for citizens.

The Digital Transformation Project launched in 2021, developed and implemented activities to gather insight, data, and examples of best practice. These were designed to ensure that we are equipped with the knowledge and intelligence required to create and implement a sustainable and agile Digital Strategy that lays the foundations on which, as an organisation, we establish a continuous improvement approach to Digital Transformation.

The Digital Transformation Project has engaged internally and externally with the Digital Office Scotland, SOCITM and local authorities across Scotland to create extensive insight into best practice. As a result of the Digital Transformation staff survey and the latest Digital Maturity Assessment the Council is equipped with detailed feedback from staff. There is now momentum and further opportunity for engagement within the whole organisation to create a digital culture that is transformative and sustainable.

At the core of the Digital Strategy, and the development of digital within the Council, are the three themes Ambitious, Sustainable, Connected.