Tenant participation

How you can get involved

We have been developing a wider range of opportunities for tenants to get involved over recent years. This remains one of our key aims.

We can offer opportunities in decision-making activities like focus groups, tenant forums, interested tenant groups as well as the more formal registered tenant groups. We also have Highland wide tenant led groups looking at particular areas of our service

  • Communications Working Group - look at information we are putting out to tenants i.e. the Housing Matters newsletter, survey forms, annual customer report - they help us to make this information more relevent and interesting to tenants
  • Scrutiny Panel - look in depth at a particular area of our service - the group has recently completed a scrutiny exercise looking at our complaints process, they made a number of recommendations which are now being implemented. View the report.
  • Highland Tenant Forum - tenants from across Highland meet online every two months to discuss issues affecting the whole Highland Council area
  • Repairs Focus Group - look at issues affecting repairs and work with staff to improve the service

Each of these groups is always ready to welcome new members, please contact tenant.participation@highland.gov.uk if you are interested or would like more information.

We are also carrying out Rate your Estate walkabouts in all of the Council areas - this is where tenants are invited to join Highland Council officers and elected members to walk around the area they live in and prioritise the environmental work they would like to see done.

For further information please contact Suzy Boardman, Principal Tenant and Customer Engagement Officer, email tenant.participation@highland.gov.uk

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