Choice-based lettings

Rent a house in Caithness

All our houses and flats in Caithness are allocated through Choice-based lettings. This gives you a greater say over where you live.

The Process

  • You must have a live Highland Housing Register application before you bid.
  • Available Highland Council properties are advertised on our choice based lettings webpage and in our offices.
  • You bid for the ones that you want – online, in person or by phoning.
  • Offers are made to the bidder with the greatest housing need.

Please ensure you only bid on properties you have a serious interest in moving into.

Applicants who refuse one reasonable offer of housing following a bid under Choice Based Lettings will have their application suspended for 6 months. This means you will receive no offers during that time.

New properties are advertised every week. Ask us if you need help to bid. Sheltered houses are not included in choice-based lettings.

Available properties

Even although a property is under offer, if you are interested in the property, please record an interest as it may be refused.

Other partner Social Landlords offer Choice Based Lettings in Caithness. You can view their available properties at:

There is also a Caithness Choice Based Letting Facebook Page where all three Caithness landlords advertise properties.