Local Place Plans
Submitting Local Place Plans
Local Place Plans can be submitted at any time.
However, in order for them to be fully considered as evidence for the new Local Development Plan, we have set a date by which Local Place Plans should be registered.
We ask that Local Place Plans are submitted at the earliest opportunity ahead of the deadline of Friday 27 September 2024.
The minimum time anticipated for The Highland Council checking process for Local Place Plan validation is 10 working days.
If you are able to submit further ahead of the deadline than this, that would be appreciated, as we may need to come back to you for amendments to your submission during the checking process.
Should your Local Place Plan not be ready by this date, your community can still continue to proceed towards submission.
The content from draft and proposed Local Place Plans can be used as part of a community's response to consultation on the Local Development Plan.
Consultation required
Before a Local Place Plan can be submitted to us, a community body must send their proposed Local Place Plan to:
- each councillor for the Local Place Plan area
- any community council any part of whose area is within, or adjoins, the Local Place Plan area
The relevant councillors and community councils must be given no less than 28 days to submit their comments on the proposed Local Place Plan.
The proposed plan must be accompanied by an information notice. You may wish to use our information notice template.
Our list and map of council wards can help you identify the relevant councillors and their contact details.
Our community council boundary maps and list of community council email contacts can help you identify the relevant community councils and their contact details.
Pre-submission checks
Community bodies preparing a Local Place Plan within our Development Plans area can:
- ask us for feedback on a draft or proposed plan against the Scottish Government requirements for Local Place Plans
- request a Local Place Plan pre-submission meeting (one per community body) with our Development Plans Team
Before asking for feedback on a draft or proposed plan, or requesting a pre-submission meeting, we ask that your community body submits a Local Place Plan Preparer Checklist and a Local Place Plan Notification of Intent form.
Ensure the accuracy of your Local Place Plan and supporting documents prior to pre-submission or submission, for example, where numbering and cross-referencing are used in relation to maps and proposals. Errors in your Local Place Plan submission may result in it being returned to you for correction, which may delay the validation and registration process.
The maximum size for an individual file in a Local Place Plan is 24MB, if your file is larger than this you will need to separate it into multiple files for it to be included on the register.
How to submit a Local Place Plan
When a qualifying community group has finished preparing a Local Place Plan and accompanying information, it can be submitted to us either:
- by email to lpp@highland.gov.uk (total attachment size limit is 50MB)
- by post to Development Plans, Highland Council HQ, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX
Local Place Plan validation and registration
When a Local Place Plan has been submitted, we will check it against the Scottish Government requirements for Local Place Plans.
Once a Local Place Plan has passed the validation process, it will be registered and we will take it into account when preparing the Local Development Plan and, where relevant, in the consideration of planning applications.
Cairngorms National Park
Local Place Plans prepared by communities in the Cairngorms National Park are to be submitted to the Cairngorms National Park Authority, as part of evidence gathering for the Cairngorms National Park Local Development Plan.