Local Place Plans

Guidance and tools

Preparing and submitting Local Place Plans is a community-led process.


The following organisations have produced guidance on how to help your community prepare a Local Place Plan:


The following tools, toolkits, and information may help your community prepare a Local Place Plan:

Community engagement

Community Map Scotland

Mapping assistance is available through the Community Map Scotland tool.

Community councils can get 12 months of free access to the tool by going to Parish Online and using the code cms12 when signing up (select ‘Subscribe’ when prompted, instead of ‘Trial’).

Council information and tools

Other information and tools

The Development Plan

While Local Place Plans seek to influence the content of the new Local Development Plan, they must have regard to the current national development plan and local development plan for the community in which they are being prepared.

Development plan for Scotland

The development plan for Scotland is contained in the National Planning Framework.

Local development plan for Highland

The local development plan for Highland comprises of four planning policy documents. Our general development policies are contained in the Highland-wide Local Development Plan, which should be read with the Local Development Plan for your area. Our three area local development plans contain the allocations and area-specific development policies for:

Locality Plans

If applicable, a Local Place Plan must have regard for any Locality Plan for its area. To see any Locality Plans for our area, visit the Highland Community Planning Partnership website.

If there is no Locality Plan for your area, you may wish to have regard for the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.

Local Place Plan Examples

The following examples may be useful when preparing a Local Place Plan:

  • Documents created by communities in Highland while preparing their Local Place Plan
  • Local Place Plans registered by other Local Authorities 

Further advice on the preparation of Local Place Plans