Council Tax

Council Tax and water rates

Council tax and water rates

Council tax is set for 8 different bands - depending on the value of your property (which is based on its open market value as at 1 April 1991) and is set by the Assessor:

  • Band A: Up to £27,000
  • Band B: Over £27,000 and up to £35,000
  • Band C: Over £35,000 and up to £45,000
  • Band D: Over £45,000 and up to £58,000
  • Band E: Over £58,000 and up to £80,000
  • Band F: Over £80,000 and up to £106,000
  • Band G: Over £106,000 and up to £212,000
  • Band H: Over £212,000

Council Tax for 2022 to 2023 is calculated initially on the basis of a band D property, and fractions are used to calculate the tax for all other bands. Our revenue budget for 2022 to 2023 is £633 million. This is met by grants from the Scottish Government, Non-Domestic Rate income and Council Tax income. The amount to be met by the Council Tax is £144 million.

Band D for 2022/23 in Highland is £1,372.30, a 3% increase on 2021/22.

Scottish Water

We collect any domestic water and waste water charges on behalf of Scottish Water.

Scottish Water water and waste water service charges

Your Council Tax bill includes the charges for your water supply and waste water collection services from Scottish Water.

These charges apply to every household which has a connection to the public water supply, the public waste water network, or both.

Your water and waste water charges are based on the Council Tax Band for your home and will be shown on your Council Tax bill, even if you receive a Council Tax Reduction. Some Council Tax exemptions and discounts will also apply to these charges, such as single occupancy or if you are a student.

Visit the Scottish Water website for more details about the water supply and waste water charges or to view a copy of the 2024 to 2025 Scottish Water Unmetered Household Charges leaflet.