By phone - 01349 886605 - using a debit or credit card on our automated payment line 24 hours a day.
By bank credit transfer - phone or online banking or standing order
Payment should be made to the Clydesdale Bank, 15 Academy Street, Inverness, IV1 1JN, sort code 82-70-13 for the credit of The Highland Council (Council Tax account number 70000550). Please quote your Council Tax reference number with all payments. If paying by Standing Order, please make sure you set up your arrangement to debit your bank account at least 5 banking days before your instalment is due to us
At a Post Office and PayPoint outlet - you can pay by cash or cheque at any Post Office and by cash at PayPoint outlets throughout the Highlands (payment by cheque at PayPoint outlets is at the discretion of the local retailer). There is a maximum amount of £200 per transaction for PayPoint although there is no limit to the number of transactions per day. Find your nearest Post Office or find your nearest Paypoint