Duncraig Educational Trust Scheme

Application Process

The Highland Council are the governing body of the Duncraig Educational Trust. Decisions are made by an officer of the local authority, who reports on awards to elected members.

Where appropriate we will consult with specialist staff and specialist external organisations such as Sportscotland, governing bodies of sport, Creative Scotland to clarify selection details or to seek advice on specific issues relating to applications.

Decisions based on the merit and strength of the application and in light of the funding that is available.

The following personal details may be shared with elected members and for Highland Council publicity:

  • Your name
  • School attended
  • Amount of award
  • Purpose of award
  • Report on what the award has helped the recipients achieve

Applications are welcome between the 1 April to 30 June and from 1 September to 30 December each year. We aim to let you know of the outcome of your application before your term or programme starts, where possible.