Decriminalised parking enforcement

Pavement, double and dropped kerb parking ban

Pavement parking is now an offence in Scotland

On the 15 November 2019, a ban on pavement parking, parking at some dropped kerbs and double-parking was agreed as part of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.

Purpose of the changes

The aim of the Act is to improve accessibility, particularly for vulnerable road users. It does this by allowing walkers and wheelers to use footways and dropped kerbs without being impeded by parked vehicles.

Parking on pavements prevents people from walking safely on pavements and around their neighbourhood. It can be hazardous for people with disabilities or those pushing prams or buggies, and damages pavements which are expensive to repair and become a trip hazard for everyone.

Double-parking and parking at dropped kerbs and crossing points can make it dangerous for vulnerable people to cross the road safely. It can also prevent people in wheelchairs from crossing the road where vehicles are parked next to dropped kerbs.

Changes to parking rules

There are three key changes in relation to Parking:

  • a ban on pavement parking, and parking on road verges which lie between roads and pavements
  • a ban on parking at dropped kerbs installed for pedestrian or cycle usage
    • this also applies where the carriageway has been raised to meet the level of the pavement.
  • a ban on double-parking (more than 50cm from the edge of a carriageway)

Where the new dropped kerb rules do not apply

The new rules do not apply to parking at dropped kerbs at:

  • driveways
  • garages
  • property entrances

If there is an existing restriction already in place, such as a single yellow line, this will still apply. You should not park on the pavement outside your driveway as this could still be enforced.

Exceptions to the rules

Only the following are exceptions to the new rules.

  • emergency services and medical practitioners in emergency situations
  • to allow for certain deliveries and collections with certain conditions
    • only if the vehicle is unable to wait on the road.
    • the vehicle must leave 1.5m of footway width for pedestrians to pass, and
    • deliveries and collections can only be for a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • vehicles used to do works on roads or removal of obstructions.

These exceptions are only valid if specific criteria are met and there is no other reasonable parking available.

Full details of the exceptions are contained within the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.

Read the full exemption details

Exemption Orders

The new rules apply to all circumstances unless an Exemption Order is published and signage is placed on the street in question. After reviewing all streets in Highland we have assessed that there will be very few Exemption Orders.

You may highlight any specific areas for consideration for Exemption Orders by email to

Information campaign

There is a national publicity campaign, more details are available on the Road Safety Scotland website, and we have also been raising awareness locally.


We will be able to enforce these rules with Penalty Charge Notices. This will be £100 but reduced to £50 if paid within the first 14 days.

Sheriff Officers would then be instructed to collect the outstanding balance. A vehicle may also be uplifted by us where a charge of £150 would apply.

In early 2024, there will be a grace period where Warning Notices will be issued for contraventions. From February 2024, Penalty Charge Notices will be issued.

Reporting parking issues

You can report a parking related issues to us online.

report a parking issue

Parked vehicles which are causing an obstruction in the road should be reported to Police Scotland on 101.

Links to the relevant legislation