Planning and building standards fees
Planning application fees
Planning application fees
A fee is required for most types of planning applications and associated submissions. The fee will depend on the type and scale of the proposed development. All applications will not be considered 'valid' until the fee has been received in full. Fees will be checked at the final point of validation, rather than the point of submission, as changes during the validation process can affect fees payable.
The scale of fees for applications is set by the Scottish Government through The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024. Planning fees increased on 12 December 2024 and any applications made on or after that date incur the new fee.
The fee scale provides additional information on the fees payable.
If there is a requirement to advertise your application in the local newspaper, please note that you will have to pay an additional cost.
The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amended Regulations 2024 (at Regulation 6) allow for authorities to introduce a surcharge for applications for planning permission where the application relates to development carried out without permission (section 33 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997).
Surcharges - (introduced 1 October 2022)
There is a charge for this service which is reviewed annually with any fee increase taking effect from 1 April each year.
Applications made in retrospect |
Fee payable |
Where a retrospective application for planning permission is made after the whole development being applied for has been carried out in full. |
25% increase in applicable planning fee |
Where a retrospective application for planning permission is made when the development being applied for has been started but not completed, including the revised design of a previously granted planning permission. |
25% increase in applicable planning fee |
The fee for an application, unless otherwise noted, is not refundable once the planning application has been submitted.
Service |
Fee payable |
Advert fee |
£158 |
Planning applications accompanied by an EIA |
£968 |
Pre-application Advice, Non-Material Variations and Certificate of Compliance with Conditions
We offer a pre-application advice service, which you can use to find out if the development you're considering is likely to obtain planning permission.
To find out more go to our Pre-Application Advice webpage.
The fees for this service, set out below, are set by Highland Council and reviewed annually. This service is not for finding out whether planning permission is required for your development; if you need information on this visit our find out if you need planning permission page.
We offer non-material variation which enables small changes that are not material to be made to a planning permission which has already been granted.
Details of the various methods of payment we accept can be found on our Planning Payment Options webpage.
Fees introduced 1 April 2024
Service |
Fee payable There is a charge for this service which is reviewed annually with any fee increase taking effect from 1st April each year. |
£68 (inclusive of VAT) |
(Pre-application advice inclusive of VAT) |
35% of Planning Fee, capped at £1,750 |
35% of Planning Fee, capped at £2,500 |
7.5% of planning application fee but a minimum of fee of £4,500 and maximum fee of £10,000 |
Wind Farm Design Workshop only
7.5% of planning application fee but a minimum of fee of £4,500 and maximum fee of £10,000 |
7.5% of planning application fee but a minimum of fee of £4,500 and maximum fee of £10,000 for Major Pre-application Plus 7.5% of planning application fee but a minimum of fee of £2,500 and maximum fee of £5,500 for Wind Farm Design Workshop |
Pre-application advice on Listed Buildings
No charge for changes to the interior of the building for example. cornices, internal doors, where planning is not required 35% of planning application fee of Householder Development for changes to the exterior of the building for example external doors, extensions, windows i.e. where planning permission is required |
Householder |
£56 |
All other Developments |
£140 |
(inclusive of VAT) (timescale within 6 weeks from receipt and validation) |
First Application |
£10,000 |
Additional Applications |
£5,000 |
Standard satisfaction of conditions | No associated fee (timescale within 3 months from receipt and validation) |
- Fee calculator - A stand alone tool is available from to assist you in estimating the cost of your planning application
Details of the various methods of payment we accept can be found on our Planning Payment Options webpage.
Your fee can be reduced under the following circumstances:
- if the application is made by a community council, the fee will be reduced by 50%
- no fee if the application is for works to improve access for a disabled person
- no fee if the application is submitted within 12 months of the date of refusal for an application of the same description or character, if made by the same applicant; (only applies to one application following the original application)
- no fee if the application is submitted within 12 months of the date of submission of an application of the same description or character, if made by the same applicant, which is withdrawn. (Only applies to one application following the original application)
Historic Environment Fees and Charges
The Historic Environment Team assesses the impact of a development on cultural heritage or archaeology and, where applicable, recommend appropriate conditions be applied. This assessment is covered by the initial planning fee which also supports free access for developers and their consultants to all historic environment data including sites, reports and supplementary information via the online Highland Historic Environment Record.
Other charges which are set out on our Historic Environment Fees and Charges pages may be incurred in specific circumstances. This is reviewed annually with any fee increase taking effect from 1st April each year.
Request copies of Planning and Building Standards Documents
Service There is a charge for this service which is reviewed annually with any fee increase taking effect from 1st April each year. |
Fee payable |
£130 |
Copies of building standards documents
£130 |
Copies of planning and building standards documents
£260 |
All copies of documents will be emailed, wherever possible. Printing and postage costs may apply.
Service |
Fee payable There is a charge for this service which is reviewed annually with any fee increase taking effect from 1st April each year. |
Microfilm/Microfiche extraction |
£32 per hour or part thereof plus VAT @ 20% |
General requests for retrieval of information *(see note 1 at end of chart) |
Actual hourly rate of staff member up to a maximum of £20 per hour or part thereof plus VAT @ 20% (plus copy charges as above & postage charges at cost if relevant) |
* Note 1 - Charges for environmental information under the EIRs: We do not charge for the time to determine whether we hold the information requested, nor for the time it takes to decide whether the information can be released. Charges are made for locating, retrieving and providing the information to you. We will advise you of the charge and how it has been calculated. The information will be provided to you on payment of the charge. If you decide not to proceed with the request, there will be no charge to you.