Fort William 2040 (FW2040)
Consultation background

The FW2040 project has been aimed at engaging anyone with an interest in the future of the area to contribute to its future vision, and to be directly involved in establishing actions and responsibilities for delivery.
At the outset, an initial Masterplan was prepared, based on all the proposed developments and ambitions of local communities, local government, and community partnerships. Through 2018 and 2019 this initial masterplan formed the basis of the FW2040 consultation, a series of engagement events involving a wide range of stakeholders. Particular input was sought from young people and those living, working, and investing in the Fort William area.
You can view a full summary of the consultation undertaken, and the feedback received in 2018-19.
From this consultation work, a Vision, Masterplan, and Delivery Programme have been developed for FW2040.