Fort William 2040 (FW2040)
Delivery Programme - aspirational projects

The community consultation in 2018 and 2019 provided a wide range of aspirational projects, in addition to the those being progressed within the FW2040 Masterplan.
Aspirational projects are kept under review, and ideas for new projects are sought at consultation events. Suggestions for projects can also be made to the FW2040 Project Manager by contacting The FW2040 Community Stakeholders' Group will also review and suggest ideas for new projects.
Aspirational projects are included within the Masterplan when they demonstrate a similar level of feasibility and collective commitment as the projects already in place. The FW2040 Programme Board will review the status of any projects which are potentially in a position to be added to the Masterplan. Current suggested aspirational projects are noted below:
FW2040 aspirational project suggestions
Suggestions to make Fort William 'A Great Place to Live'
- A housing task force to figure out delivery mechanisms and research ways to limit cost of housing development
- Additional accommodation suitable for the ageing population (including care home provision)
- Additional waste transfer facility
- Campervan hub service point
- Canopy in Cameron Square
- Enhanced network of local recycling facilities
- Fort William Arts Centre (gallery, retreat and events, work spaces, education)- hub facility for local arts and crafts
- Glen Nevis and Ben Nevis Strategic Action Plan (protect and manage the key natural assets, sustainable management for example parking money)
- Glen Nevis Outdoor Heritage and Activity Centre (exhibition area, facilities for groups, protection of Glen and Ben, connected by hop on bus)
- Improved gateways to town
- Improvements around Caol Co-op
- Increased quantity and quality of greenspace (including tree planting and peatland restoration)
- Land reclamation for housing
- Local exchange to buy, sell and swap merchandise
- More childcare facilities at all public facilities
- New business park or industrial estate for Fort William
- Public art (consistent theme and design code linked to active travel network)
- Review of community facility developer contributions (more localised ring fencing of monies)
- River Lochy active travel bridge at Caol Spit
- Temporary housing for workers
- Tidal energy scheme at Annat or Corran
Suggestions to make Fort William 'A Place Facing Water'
- Enhanced relationship with north west side of Loch Linnhe
- Kayak competition and training facility at tail race outflow into River Lochy
- Outdoor swimming pool at Old Fort
- Corpach Port expansion
Suggestions to make Fort William 'A Connected Place'
- Airport or airstrip
- Bike storage on buses
- Community transport scheme in South Lochaber
- Commuter rail network on West Highland and Glasgow lines
- Hop on hop off bus (electric)
- Improved trunk road between Spean Bridge and dualled A9 at Kingussie
- New trunk road tunnel between Rannoch Moor and North of Fort William
- Park and ride facilities (as part of integrated public transport and active travel networks)
- Urban tourist trail with better interpretation
- Water taxis