Fort William 2040 (FW2040)
Programme Board, Community Stakeholders' Group and Transport Group

Programme Board
The FW2040 Programme is overseen by a Programme Board, which consists of representatives from key delivery organisations. The Board meets quarterly to review progress and to identify where joined up working can help to tackle any barriers to project progression. Organisations represented on the Board are currently:
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Crown Estate Scotland
- Highland Council
- Lochaber Chamber of Commerce
- Lochaber Community Partnership
- NHS Highland
- Scottish Government Economic Development Directorate
- Transport Scotland
The Board is currently chaired by Alastair Nicolson, HIE Area Manager for Lochaber, Skye and Wester Ross. The Chair rotates on an annual basis.
Community Stakeholders' Group
A FW2040 Community Stakeholders' Group was established in August 2022. The purpose of the group is to ensure clear, regular two way communication and reporting between the FW2040 Programme Board and Community Stakeholders.
Stakeholder representatives can discuss individual projects and communicate their views and ideas to the FW2040 Programme Board. It is also a means to identify opportunities where stakeholders can actively assist in progressing individual projects, and it contributes to the overall collaborative approach that underpins FW2040.
The group also meets quarterly, mid-way between Board meetings. Organisations represented on this group are:
- Ardgour Community Council
- Caol Community Council
- Fort William, Inverlochy and Torlundy Community Council
- High Life Highland Adult and Youth Services
- Highland Council Ward 11 - Councillor John Grafton
- Highland Council Ward 21 - Councillor Angus MacDonald
- Kilmallie Community Council
- Lochaber Environmental Group
- Nether Lochaber Community Council
- Spean Bridge, Roy Bridge and Achnacarry Community Council
- Voluntary Action Lochaber
This group is Chaired by Dr Michael Foxley of Ardgour Community Council. The Chair also rotates on an annual basis.
Transport Group
This group was re-convened in April 2023. Its purpose is to maintain oversight of all FW2040 Masterplan projects which contribute to the theme of making Fort William 'A Connected Place'. These include:
- Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 (STPR2) and the development of an Integrated Transport Plan for Fort William
- Active travel infrastructure
- Public transport improvements (road, rail and marine)
- Electric vehicle infrastructure
- Trunk road resilience and improvements (A82, A830, and Banavie Swing Bridge operation)
- Local road network improvements
- Helicopter landing site
- Transport infrastructure for new housing, business and leisure developments
The group aims to facilitate and progress projects through effective partnership working between relevant delivery organisations, both on and out with the FW2040 Board. In particular, it is intended to assist Transport Scotland with their development and delivery of an Integrated Transport Plan for Fort William, per Recommendation 32 of STPR2. The group will be a key local point of reference and assistance for Transport Scotland as they undertake this work.
Organisations represented on this group are:
- Highland Council
- Fort William, Inverlochy and Torlundy Community Council, Caol Community Council and Kilmallie Community Council
- Transport Scotland
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- NHS Highland
- Scottish Canals
- Fort William Active Travel Group
- West Highland Community Rail Partnership
- Lochaber Chamber of Commerce
The group is Chaired by Tracey Urry, Highland Council's Executive Chief Officer for Infrastructure, Environment and Economy. The Chair rotates on an annual basis.